Video Conferencing between SR Anggerek Desa and Rulang Primary School Singapore
Teaching material for Year 3A on 15/4/2009
Teaching material for Year 2B on 15/4/2009
TP 15/4/2009
Tutorial: Activity on ICT subject
TP 8/4/09
For Year 2B, i continue the last week lesson on the window interface. This time they need to look on their own computer and identify the feature of window interface.
TP 1/4/09
For Year 2B, I had taught them what is a window interface. What they can find in the window interface such as desktop, taskbar and system tray. The student also participate in the activity shown on the IWB.
PS 0128 Exercise 12/3/2009
By giving them extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. For example, by giving them work on importing images in Microsoft words and create a story from the image they have imported. For example the image they have chosen is the pink heart (love shape). The image also play important role in motivation. For example, images of Mickey mouse, Pooh and any cartoon character. This will give them interest in the lesson. From the pink heart, the student might write “I love my parents so much. I also love my brother and sister.” during ICT class I just assist them on how to insert the image and how they write the sentences properly. During the lesson I will go around to check on how they are doing by praising them for those who have done it right for example, very good, well done and I also facilitate on the weak student and give them motivation like “you can do it, try again” without pushing them. And the same time say good things about the work they have done.
2. How can you help students plan, monitor and modify their cognition to develop self-regulated learning of students in ICT?
By giving them interactive activity. For example: recognizing the different types of storage devices. The activity is using the Microsoft Power point through IWB. The question is going to be in MCQ and mix and match question. They raise their hand when they want to answer the question. I will ask the student to go in front and pick the correct answer. Each answered question will give “well done” with animated image and if its wrong “good effort, try again” with animated image. With this activity they will monitor and modify their answer and this will develop their self-regulated learning.
TP 11/3/2009
Year 3, the lesson was - Communication (word processing) introduction. I teach them the important feature of the Microsoft Word. During the lesson, i ask the student who make so much noise to go in front and help me in my teaching. The student then become more interested and silent during the lesson. the topic is going to be continue on the next lesson.

TP 4/3/2009
TP 25/2/2009
Teacher Concern
In the last lesson, I was being able to teach the student confidently. I am able to control the class properly by asking them to be quite during the lesson and ask them properly to sit in front of the IWB so that they can concentrate during the lesson and I can easily control their behavior. In the lesson I had prepare the activity on “how to save a document in the diskette”. I had put them in group of two/three since there are not enough computers available. To be fair, I ask the students to type a different short passage for each person so that everyone had a chance to do the activity. I had provided them a diskette and a handout of the steps to save documents.
2. Task concerns: teaching tasks such as big classes; inadequate instructional materials
I am teaching year three with 28 pupils in the classroom. It is quite challenging at first then after sometimes, they already know and understand the way I teach. Now, I can handle the class easily but sometimes when they feel nothing to do they tend to play around and talk to their friends. The material for teaching is for me inadequate because there is no internet connection and the computer for pupils is not enough and some are not working. But, by putting them in pairs, they can help each other
3. Impact – learning concerns: needs of pupils; about themselves as individuals, the tasks and contents of the teaching process, and impact of their teaching on pupil behaviors.
The impact of the learning to the pupils is that they be able to answer any question ask to them and they be able to finish the activity by saving their document in the diskette given. This is because they had learned the lesson easily and they enjoy the lesson. In the lesson I had distributed, the diskette for the student to try to save their documents by following the steps in the handout given. I gave them a short passages to be type in. the passage is actually the lesson I had thought them which is “the function of the storage devices”. This also makes them to remember the function of the storage device and teach them how to spell it right. If there are enough sources provided in the classroom, the impact of learning will be higher. A source means the computer and the internet connection. This is what the pupils need. I as a facilitator to the pupils also give impact to them. I often walk around to give them support and help if they have something to ask. During lesson I always put a high expectation in my students.
TP 18/2/2009
Below is the picture of class 2C. It shows that they interested and enjoying the lesson. They give their participation in the activity.
Lesson Plan Year 4 D&T
Topic: Designing a free moving car (introduction)
Year: 4
Week: 7
Day: Monday
Date: 16th February 2009
Period: 2 (60 minutes)
Lesson Objectives:
>For pupils to learn and comment on different types and design of a free moving car.
> For pupils to be able to analyse different parts that makes a free moving car
> Teacher prepares different types of design of a free moving car for the pupils to choose and comment.
> Pupils choose and compare different types of free moving cars.
> Pupils dissembles different parts that they can think of and jot it down on a word processing software.
> Pupils research on how to make a free moving cars on the internet.
> Teacher then comments on what the pupils had think of during their discussion and points on what are the important parts that makes a free moving move.
> Try to draw how their expected free moving car would look like.
> Do you know how car moves?
> Why are there different kinds of cars? why big? Why small?
> Is design of a car important?
> does a free moving only rely on wheels to move?
> what are other things that can affect the movement of a free moving car?
*Notice: if there is no >internet connection teacher will prepare a passage or manuals on how to make a free moving car.