Lesson Plan
Primary 5
Subject: Using Electricity
1. Name some appliances that use electricity
2. Construct a simple electrical circuit
3. Predict whether a circuit will work
4. Name components of an electrical circuit
Ask children to name some appliances that require electricity to work. What different sources of electricity are there? Which things require mains electricity and which run off batteries? Could a cooker run from a battery? Show the battery and ask a child to find the + & - on it. Where else have they seen + & - signs? What advantages do battery-operated appliances have? Remind children of the importance of handling batteries safely and safe disposal etc.
Classwork using interactive whiteboard:
Select Using electricity from the Science Clips website. Explain they are to make the bulb light, selecting different electrical components for the gap. Look together at the first component. Will this one work? Move it into place and see what happens. Work through the other components, each time asking children to predict (with reasons) before testing. What do they think will happen when the battery is replaced with one facing the other way? Replace the battery and observe what does happen. Where is it important that batteries are placed the correct way round? Repeat the process with the motor instead of the lamp, involving as many children as possible.
Group work using a computer for each group:
Select and explain the activity as above. When the children know what to do, allow them to complete the rest of the experiment at their own speed. As the children are working, observe and question them about their choices.
Recap on the experiment. Ask the class to name what items are needed to make a complete circuit. Why did only the battery work, and nothing else?
Hand out copies of the worksheet. Explain they have to circle which circuits will light the lamp. Allow them to complete the worksheet independently. As a further extension, pupils could draw some additional circuits of their own.
Suggested homework:
Find some things at home that require a circuit to work, e.g. torch, fairy lights. Draw them or make a list and bring into school to compare.