PS 0128 Exercise 12/3/2009

1. How can you initiate, sustain and direct activities in an ICT lesson to motivate students?

By giving them extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. For example, by giving them work on importing images in Microsoft words and create a story from the image they have imported. For example the image they have chosen is the pink heart (love shape). The image also play important role in motivation. For example, images of Mickey mouse, Pooh and any cartoon character. This will give them interest in the lesson. From the pink heart, the student might write “I love my parents so much. I also love my brother and sister.” during ICT class I just assist them on how to insert the image and how they write the sentences properly. During the lesson I will go around to check on how they are doing by praising them for those who have done it right for example, very good, well done and I also facilitate on the weak student and give them motivation like “you can do it, try again” without pushing them. And the same time say good things about the work they have done.

2. How can you help students plan, monitor and modify their cognition to develop self-regulated learning of students in ICT?

By giving them interactive activity. For example: recognizing the different types of storage devices. The activity is using the Microsoft Power point through IWB. The question is going to be in MCQ and mix and match question. They raise their hand when they want to answer the question. I will ask the student to go in front and pick the correct answer. Each answered question will give “well done” with animated image and if its wrong “good effort, try again” with animated image. With this activity they will monitor and modify their answer and this will develop their self-regulated learning.

TP 11/3/2009

Year 2, today lesson was -How to Switch on and Switch off the Computer. I just present them the function of the ON button on the system unit and the procedure how to switch OFF the computer properly. During the lesson, they sit in front of the computer and at the same time they following the procedure i have told them. they do it step by step.  The extra time i use for returning their homework individually and talk to those who have got wrong answer. i take a chance to know their problem and ask on the same time try to motivate the student by encouraging them to study at home.

Year 3, the lesson was - Communication (word processing) introduction. I teach them the important feature of the Microsoft Word. During the lesson, i ask the student who make so much noise to go in front and help me in my teaching. The student then become more interested and silent during the lesson. the topic is going to be continue on the next lesson.

Procedure to OPEN an Existing Document.

TP 4/3/2009

In year 3A, I had continue from the previous activity. this time they have learn how to open an existing document from the diskette. Where from the last activity they have saved their document in the diskette. I had provided them with the new handout of how to open a document from the diskette. unfortunately on that day, there was no class for year 2B because they having their test.

Notes on how to save a document in diskette

Procedure to SAVE a New Document

TP 25/2/2009

In Class 3A, I have teach them how to save  a document in a diskette (storage device). I had prepare a notes for them a step by step procedure to save their document and i gave them a text to be type in. I also had provided them the diskette for each group. at the end of the lesson they give back the diskette to me with their name on it and continue for the next lesson.

In Class 2B, i have tech them the function of Mouse. different type of mouse and a different function of it. we had prepare the activity for them using IWB. they all participate and enjoying the lesson.
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